Monday, October 1, 2007

自然复原旅程(二) 认识天气和地气 Natural Healing, Episode 1 : Knowing about "Tian Qi" and "Di Qi"

自然复原旅程(二) 认识天气和地气


每一样物件都会有其本身的气场和引力,这些“气场”和“引力”,一般用肉眼是看不到的。“地气”是指“地球所发出的磁场--地气。这气必须将吊锤非常靠近地面才可测试得到。一般地面的气场影响藏于地面或接近地面的东西,比如古人对坟墓风水的研究,老人常提醒不要时常躺在地面而导致老年时引来风湿等疾病),特别是潮湿地带 (水气过重,导致五行不协调)。



Knowing "Tian Qi" and "Di Qi"

As per Einstein and Newton's explanation on gravity: That species of attraction or force by which all bodies or particles of matter in the universe tend toward each other; called also attraction of gravitation, universal gravitation, and universal gravity.The movement of sun, earth, moon and other planets are greatly affected by this attraction. The existence of this qi is called "Tian Qi".If we wish to measure the effect of Tian Qi at certain location. Just use a chain and let it freely rotated in the air, from the results of rotation or movement of chain, we could know whether the Qi is good or bad for the location.

As we know that every matter including earth has its own field. The effect of the field can be tested when the chain is placed very near to the surface of the subject. If we test the effect of the earth to our living, we should put the chain very close to the ground. Normally, "Di Qi" affects the things hidden inside the earth or placed just above on the earth. As told by old people, we should not sleep on the damp place as we might hit by Rheumatism or Rheumatic disorder later.

For our living area, most of the Feng Shui Experts play much attention to the door as door is affected by both "Tian Qi" and "Di Qi". The direction of the flow of the Qi would affect the Feng Shui or the Field of the House.

(The copyright of this article belongs to author. Should you need to use it as reference, please quote the source and shall not alter any content of this article)

Saturday, September 29, 2007

自然复原旅程(一) 认识无形但存在之气 Natural Healing, Episode 1 : Understanding the existance of qi






Before entering into natural healing, the first and upmost important subject is "qi".

This "qi" could produce and grow all sorts of livings in this world. It is hidden in the air or on earth. The qi either tends towards gathering or dispersing. Like growth and death, after supplying as an energy for the body, the energy would be transformed into another type of energy and dispersed out. The energy would not be disappeared. Another charateristics of qi is its rotation. Once it is rotated in clock wise, it tends to be useful for the subject. Conversely, when it is rotated in anti-clock wise, it tends to disperse out from the subject and make the subject weaker or disappearing. There is an harmonious state in this world, the energy which we consider useless is useful for other being (plant) and the energy which other being considered as useless is useful to human.

Human is possessed with the natural healing power and natural sensitive sense to the change of the world. However, Human is overdosed by its unnatural materials, we loss our natural sense to the change of the world. What we see, hear, smell, taste, touch and taught are highly polluted by all the artificial things and too much reliance on all these caused us to lose our natural sense. Through meditation or energy measurement method, we could find again our natural sense. With this natural sense, it would help us to heal faster.

Based on my own research, qi is very related to WuXing. Once the five elements are in balance state, all the livings would grow healthily. By knowing the balance state of the environment and using its theory behind, we could change it into a balance and harmonious state.

From Wikipedia:
( In traditional Chinese philosophy, natural phenomena can be classified into the Wu Xing (Chinese: 五行; pinyin: wǔxíng), or the Five Elements: metal (Chinese: 金; pinyin: jīn), wood (Chinese: 木; pinyin: mù), water (Chinese: 水; pinyin: shuǐ), fire (Chinese: 火; pinyin: huǒ), and earth (Chinese: 土; pinyin: tǔ). These elements were used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena. Five Phases is the more appropriate way of translating wǔxíng — literally, "five goings". Traditional Taijiquan schools relate them to footwork and refer to them as five "steps". The original foundation is based on the concept of the Five Cardinal Points.)

(The copyright of this article belongs to author. Should you need to use it as reference, please quote the source and shall not alter any content of this article)

Friday, September 28, 2007










能量醫療 治病良方常存於己身

能量醫療 治病良方常存於己身



要 開發這些能力,需要學習那身體已知的語言∣亦即能量的語言。能量是身體、頭腦,以及靈魂的共同媒介。它的波長、振動頻率,以及躍動的模式構成了它們共同的 字彙,就如同音調及節奏的波動起伏構成了音樂的字彙。當你可以越來越無礙地感覺到這個身體、頭腦,以及靈魂的共同字彙,你就能更有技巧地譜出它們的生命樂 章。

能量 醫療安全、自然,而且容易。它是既現代且古老的。能量醫療是促進身、心、靈整體健康的一門科學與藝術。開發你編織這些能量的能力,能讓你成為一個在能量醫 療方面更有意識及更敏感的工具,能量本身即是一種藥,能量醫療同時也指這個﹁藥﹂被應用在身體的能量上。能量能夠治療,能量系統可以被療癒 。回歸至能量醫療法即是回歸至個人對健康的主宰權。

我 寫這本書部份根據的是我的能量治療經驗,部份是根據自己克服了一連串健康問題的親身體驗與實證。我天生就有心雜音的毛病,五歲時罹患肺結核,並有嚴重的食 物過敏及花粉症。十六歲時開始出現後來被診斷為多發性硬化症的初期症狀。二十歲後期曾經輕微心臟病發作;三十歲初期患有嚴重氣喘;三十四歲罹患乳房腫瘤, 而且自十二歲開始,我就有血糖過低的毛病,並為嚴重的經前症候群所苦惱。然而,我同時也被賦予一個頗為自由的心靈,讓我能從容面對這些困境。


在 本書第一部﹁喚醒沈睡二百萬年的內在治療師﹂中,我強調一個信念:我們本能地知道身體的能量以及如何使它們達到最佳狀態,這個能力遠超過我們一般所了解的 或所使用的。第一章闡述了一些能量醫療中經常提到的模糊詞彙∣ 如能量、微細能量、靈魂以及靈性∣其中並把身體能量的語言視為一種可以學習的語言。第二章 介紹了如何辨識你體內運作的能量與身體週遭能量的技巧。在這一章中介紹了一種評估你個人﹁能量特徵﹂的方法:能量測試。能量測試這個方法也可以用來決定環 境對你的能量場所造成的影響。此外,它能讓你根據你的特殊需要來調整其他章節中所提到的方法步驟。第三章介紹了﹁每日能量運動﹂,用來﹁整理﹂並維持你自 身的健康與治療能量。其中也指出如何利用能量測試做實驗,以評估每個方法的效果,並在結束時介紹了一個極具價值的方法,讓你重新設定你的身體對壓力的反 應。第二部﹁能量體的解剖學﹂,詳細介紹了八個主要的能量系統。由於我的感覺器官將微細能量詮釋為畫面,我在人體上看到的能量光譜,甚至比春天草原上似萬 花筒般百花盛開的景象還要多采多姿。第三部﹁整合融會﹂,提出如何將所學應用到生活中的情境。這裡的重點是面對無可避免的身體病痛時的有效處理辦法、疼痛 的舒緩,以及如何在外在與內在創造出能量場,幫助你的健康與福祉達到最高峰。尾聲邀請你一同重新省思可藉由能量而開啟的神秘領域,並將如此的經驗視為開啟 你心靈之旅的一扇窗。



支 持書中主要論點的實驗室或臨床研究參考資料散佈於文章篇幅中。我在二十年前初踏入能量醫療領域時,任何人提出的任何能量醫療形式,在科學上都是處於孤立無 援的狀態。之後,研究關於人體能量的科學文獻便開始激增。雖然能量醫療在醫學上仍算是一個邊緣的領域︵一般說來,甚至一些精采的研究報告都未被收錄在主流 的醫學期刊裡︶,它在一九九二年美國﹁國家健康局﹂︵National Institute of Health︶成立﹁另類療法部﹂︵Office of Alternative medicine︶ 正式納入了美國的醫療界。儘管許多年輕一輩的醫界人士認為能量醫療的未來前途一片光明,但這個領域豐富的內涵以及陌生的型態仍然讓一些守舊之士覺得很不 安。我從日益增多的研究案例中挑出了一些收錄在本書內,希望能成為懷疑論者的一座橋樑,至少能引發一些爭議。

﹁ 能量醫療:平衡身體能量,攀向健康、喜樂,以及活力的頂峰﹂呈現了一個有系統而開放的方式,有意識地處理自身的能量,或你所關心的人的能量,以獲得更健康 的身體、更敏銳的頭腦以及更喜樂的心靈。在一本教人自助的書籍中決定哪些技巧合適,哪些不合適,有賴於我一連串的判斷取捨。一般而言,我對於有效果,並對 嚴重的健康問題有幫助的技巧會毫不保留介紹給讀者。根據我在幾百堂課上對一般人教授這些技巧的經驗,我很清楚這裡所介紹的每一個技巧,將如何影響各色各樣 的人,我也盡全力慎重地做出最好的判斷。你可以做很多事來好好照顧你自己。終究,是你自己要為你的健康負責,當你知道得越多,就可以為自己的身體做更多 事,你也會更健康。本書提供了工具,但願你能從中受益。

Energy Measurement - by Dr. Chiu-Nan Lai

Energy Measurement

- by Dr. Chiu-Nan Lai

Energy level measurement makes use of the electromagnetic field's vibration to determine to what extend another person, an object, an event or the environment affects us. (It can help us select suitable food, plants or soil as well as to find out the energy level of the human body.) Because it makes use of the electromagnetic field's vibration, its accuracy depends greatly on the person who carries out the measurement. This person being the conductor of the process needs to be at good energy level, to be relaxed both physically and mentally, and to be void of excessive disturbances. The measurement can be done by determining the strength of one's finger or arm, or by observing the direction and number of rotations of a metal chain held in the hand.

A lightweight, fine metal chain is a suitable choice for a beginner; the higher the electrical conductivity of the metal chain the better but any metal will do. Attach a small weight, such as a crystal ball to one end of the chain, but you may also do without the weight. Place the object of interest on a table. Let the chain dangle from the index ginger of your right (or left if you are left-handed) hand and rest your thumbs on it lightly. Keep calm and allow the chain to move freely. There are three possible movements; clockwise rotations, anti-clockwise rotations, back and forth oscillation or none at all.

Clockwise rotation indicates compatibility or a positive answer. If the energy measurement is that of a food or a surrounding, count the number of rotations until it finally stops. The greater the rotation and the higher the number, the more favourable the answer. Anti-clockwise rotation signals incompatibility or a negative answer. Similarly, higher counts of the number of turns indicate a stronger negative answer. Back-and forth movement means neutral; neither good nor bad. If there is no movement, then the object being scrutinised may have neither good nor bad energies; or the investigator is not relaxed, or has a weak aura, etc. A point to note is that the investigator needs to have a clear and calm mind, and be consciously and subconsciously non-judgmental.

In the early stages, the beginner can use familiar objects to make comparisons; for instance, fruit and sugar, tap water and filtered water, etc. Experienced investigators may acquire a very high degree of accuracy in their energy measurements. In Western countries, experienced investigators help to locate sources of water and oil, lost objects and persons, and the damaged part of a machine. I know of a lady who can successfully identify sickness in the body; including those of cats' and dogs'; and even determine the treatment. Her precision in energy measurement is so high that she has a waiting list of clients that stretch for 3 months.

There is wide application for energy measurement. When buying vegetables, we determine which vegetables come from fertile soil and which from chemically fertilised soil. Even with vegetables that are labelled "organic", we can have several grades too. Some "organic" produce comes from virgin soil (soil that has never used chemicals before) and some from soil that has recently stopped using chemical fertilisers. Many chemical fertilisers have yet to be completely disintegrated even after a lapse of 20 years; DDT is one example.

The thought of the farmer can also affect his produce. I recall an incident in a farmer's market in Northern California; my father unintentionally discovered that an old lady was selling fruits with very high energy levels although they looked ordinary. On investigating, he discovered that her family orchard had a history of more than a hundred years and has never used chemical fertilisers. Now in her twilight years, the old lady did not have the capability to take care of the orchard and she allowed it to grow as it pleased. She was full of love and always exchanging a few good words with passers-by. From then on, we always bought fruits and walnuts from her; unfortunately, many people overlooked her less handsome looking produce to patronise her neighbour who sold fruits and vegetables produced from their chemically fertilised orchard.

In general, farm produce with residual chemicals has energy that goes anti-clockwise. Food with chemical additives, processed food, refined salt, white sugar, seasonings, etc., are also in this category. On another occasion, we felt 'bloated' after eating a meal of organic brown rice. On investigation, we discovered that the energy moved anti-clockwise. Owing to the increased demand in organic food, some lower quality products were passed off as the genuine stuff. If the buyer can measure the energy level when buying, he would not have been cheated.

Energy measurement can also be used to determine situations that requires a 'yes' or 'no' answer. A clockwise movement means 'yes' and an anti-clockwise movement means 'no'. If a decision need to be made from a number of choices, each choice can be written in a piece of paper and its energy measured with the chain dangling over it. The number of clockwise rotation is noted for each, and the best choice being the one that has the highest number of clockwise turns; those that have anti-clockwise movement are not suitable choices. Other than measuring the energy levels of food and herbs, we also can measure its suitability for our personal consumption. First hold the food in the hand, with the back of the hand facing up. With the other hand, dangle the chain over the back of the hand; a clockwise movement indicates suitability and an anti-clockwise says unsuitable.

The proverb "one man's meat is another man's poison" clearly advises that an object may be beneficial to some but not all people due to individual circumstances such as, body condition, living environment and health condition. On one occasion, I was demonstrating how to measure the energy level of some local fruits in East Malaysia. The fruits' energy levels were high but not suitable for my consumption. When the local people did the measurement, the energy level was high and good for them. We did the same test on some almonds that I'd brought with me. I could demonstrate that they had high energy but there wasn't much reaction when the local people held the almond in their hands. This experience reconfirms the need to eat locally produced food. It also explains why it takes some time for us to acclimatise to a new environment, the food available in the new environment do not suit our body condition well.

In the beginning of practising the art of measuring energy levels, there may be several problems. First, the chain may not move; possibly because you are not sufficiently relaxed, or the biological electromagnetic field is weak. The remedy to re-charge one's energy is to face West, raise both hands to shoulder level with the left hand pointing in the direction of South and the right hand in the direction of North. Hold the posture for 3 minutes, then cross the arm and lightly rub the shoulders few times.

The second difficulty is disturbances. For instance the electrical lamp, closure of the crown chakra, environmental pollution or the mind not being able to stay calm. The activity in the mind can affect the aura, and consequently having an influence over the physical body as well as the hand holding the chain. A few minutes of deep breathing can help to calm the mind and to be detached from the answer that you are seeking. If you suspect that there is any interference, you may test on objects or events with known answers to justify if the opposite answer is obtained. To overcome the crown chakra problem, visualise a sun over your head, think of the perfect energy of the universe, and silently say a few prayers in your own religion.

The third difficulty is the way of phrasing the question. If there is limitation in the question itself, the answer will not be accurate, especially so if it is a negative question.

However, all these difficulties will disappear after some practice.

Thursday, September 27, 2007




